We want to assure you and reassure you AGAIN that it is completely acceptable and okay to look further into the information and topics covered in this video via Google Searches, YouTube Walk-Throughs, and even ChatGPT. These are all amazing resources that can provide unlimited FREE help to learn more.
And As we are going through this course, there may be times when I will in fact, recommend looking further into specific technologies on Google, YouTube, ChatGPT because they will help you learn and digest more about that specific topic.
So as an example, when we’re going through this course, and we get to a section you aren’t that familiar with and you need a better understanding, open up ChatGPT and have it explain the technology or methodology to you like you are five years old or utilize ChatGPT to provide you with more examples and information on specific topics as well. As you can see this is a fantastic tool to help us further our knowledge.
If you need additional assistance and support you can reach out to Zach via LinkedIn or email. https://linkedin.com/in/iamnerdy