Section 1 - Theory

Welcome to Section 1 of the No BS Guide to IT, here we will begin discussing …. . Here you will find a brief breakdown of each section in this course.

There are often many misconceptions when it comes to beginning a career in information technology. Some of the most prominent misconceptions include:

  • You need to be good at math to work in IT.
  • You need to be YOUNG to work in IT.
  • You need to be a programmer to work in IT.
  • You need to know EVERYTHING about technology to work in IT.
  • You need to have a degree to work in IT.
  • You need to have certifications to work in IT.

We can confidently say that none of those are true, and in fact, we can say from experience that none of these are true.

The facts are, the world of Information Technology might be one of the most unique career fields in terms of professional careers. There are few limitations that will stop you from entering this field. Being terrible at math, being too old, or not knowing EVERYTHING about tech, etc. are not valid reasons.

The truth is that the world of IT is diverse and unique, and individuals from all walks of life have found a successful path into this career field—yes, even the ones who aren’t good at math or are 50 years old and changing careers.

At this point you are probably wondering, how this could be? You have heard from countless people one of these statements before, surely WE are the ones that are wrong? If you were to ask 100 different people how they got started in IT, they would tell you 100 different stories and give you 100’s of different variations of advice on how they got started.

While this is all very confusing, it should also be reassuring to you. There are many ways to find success, no set way, and absolutely no barriers to entry to this career field.

There is not one single way to step foot into an IT career that could be considered “better” than another.

This will help you:

  • communication
  • documentation
  • Google-fu