The most important skill that you can learn and continue to advance in the world of information technology is your note-taking abilities. Taking good notes can sometimes take a long time to learn, but mastering this craft will always give you an advantage throughout your career.
We often get asked about the best way to take notes, and quite honestly, it’s a very hard question to answer because everyone is different, and every tool or resource we can use to take notes can also be utilized in completely different ways depending on the person.
To give you an idea of the different tools, here are a few of the most popular note-taking apps:
Pen and Paper
There are many other great apps and resources out there that you can use.
The most important thing is finding and using the one that you are most comfortable with.
Because there are so many different tools/apps and everyone is so different, this also means that the information that you will be writing down and saving will be different based on the knowledge you already have or based on whatever makes sense to you personally and individually.
What we’ve gathered so far is that everyone's note-taking process is going to be completely different from one another, and this also means that everyone's notes will look completely different as well.
This leads us to the last question or, more so, concern that we receive often,
Most people don’t even know how to get started taking notes, and it becomes an overwhelming and daunting experience within itself. Because of that, we created this Notion template specifically for this purpose and it already has sections prefilled for you. We would advise you to review these sections and maybe reword or rewrite the existing notes into your own words, realign them or move them around, and ultimately make them your own.
When using Notion, you can also use the built-in AI to help you create templates or give you ideas on what types of information you should document based on your notes. With the built-in AI, there are so many possibilities for you to develop an effective documentation process.
Here are a couple example templates that I created using the Notion AI. You can play with this and customize this as much as you would like or build your own.
Template #1Template #2In the Windows Fundamentals section under Operating System Navigation: we also show you another way to organize documentation. With Notion, you have many options on how you can store and organize your notes. Please read and watch the documentation and videos that the team at Notion creates because it is phenomenal.
- Introduction to Notekeeping
- What is, why it’s imortant.
- tools
- common methods
- best practices
- pro tips from zach
- like if you want to create better notes, learn documentation →
- Introduction to Documentation
- what is it, why it’s important
- best practices
- pro tips from zach
- like one of the reason to learn good note taking and documentation is because you will be in ticketing systems very often in your career and these skills will be helpful →
- Introduction to Ticketing Systems
- what is, why it’s important
- best practices
- pro tips from zach
- your future self will thank you for taking the time to learn about all of these things now and this next section will help you make use of everything that we learned to help you progress through your career, like compiling your new notetaking, documentation and ticketing skills and turning them into blogs →
- Introduction to Blogs
- what is it, why it’s important
- platforms
- best practices
- pro tips from zach
- like sharing your knowledge, putting yourself out there, helping others, this will be helpful for you in your career journey