Practical Lab Notes


Practical Lab Notes

  1. Purpose: Document hands-on activities, experiments, and troubleshooting steps.
  2. Techniques:
    • Step-by-Step Instructions:
      • Example 1:
      • Here's a step-by-step guide for learning IP addresses through the Windows command prompt:

        1. Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
        2. Type 'ipconfig' and press Enter
        3. Review the displayed IP address information
        4. To see more detailed information, type 'ipconfig /all' and press Enter
        5. Verify connectivity by pinging a known IP address (e.g., 'ping')
      • Example 2:
      • javascriptCopy code
        1. Connect to the network switch
        2. Enter configuration mode with 'configure terminal'
        3. Set VLAN with 'vlan 10'
        4. Assign ports with 'interface range fa0/1 - 12' and 'switchport access vlan 10'
    • Screenshots and Diagrams:
      • Example 1: Include a screenshot of the terminal output showing successful installation of Apache2.
      • Example 2: Add a network diagram illustrating the connection setup and VLAN configuration for clarity.
  3. Tips:
    • Note down any errors or issues encountered and how they were resolved.
    • Record command-line inputs and outputs for reference.
    • Summarize the objective and outcome of the lab session.