Reference Materials
- Purpose: Create a repository of useful information, cheat sheets, and quick reference guides.
- Techniques:
- Cheat Sheets:
- Example 1: A one-page document listing common Linux networking commands and their uses.
- Example 2: A quick reference guide for networking ports and what they do.
- Glossaries:
- Example 1: A glossary of networking terms including definitions for concepts like "subnetting," "NAT," and "firewalls."
- Example 2: A list of cybersecurity terms and acronyms such as "IDS," "IPS," "phishing," and "ransomware."
- Code Snippets:
- Example 1: A collection of Python scripts for common tasks such as file handling, data processing, and API interactions.
- Example 2: A repository of SQL queries for database management, including select, insert, update, and delete operations.
- Tips:
- Organize materials in a logical structure for easy access.
- Regularly review and update to ensure accuracy.
- Share with peers to enhance collaborative learning.