Roles & Responsibilities


Don't get hung up on job titles. You’ll often find that job titles can be somewhat misleading, it is absolutely VITAL that you pay attention to the job descriptions to understand what is required in the specific job role.

As we begin to discuss different job roles and duties, please make sure to take note of the information that is shared on where you can learn more specific information about these roles and more specifically make note of the different job roles that sound interesting to you.

In further sections of this course, we will discuss how we can dissect job descriptions to understand exactly what the duties and responsibilities of the role entail and the different information and technologies listed on those job descriptions that you might want to start learning more about.

A great way to find more information on specific job roles is by searching Google, YouTube, Reddit for a day in the life of blogs and videos for "the specific job role“ that you are interested in.  This can help you build a better idea of the different roles and technologies you might be interested in.